Genre: The genre is sport I know this because this advert is associated with football which is a sport. This advert has elements of comedy
The target audience for this Nike advert would be a large, mass-market global audience. This would appeal mainly to football fans due to the famous players involved but there are other clues regarding a more detailed target audience. The 'unknown' players on the park pitch at the start give us an idea about the main target audience - younger males from a variety of ethnic and social class backgrounds.
Although this is primarily a TV advert, the extended version would mainly be watched online, particularly YouTube. The full four minute advert would not appear on TV (an edited 30 or 60-second version would be used instead) so this extended version would mainly be watched on PCs, laptops, tablets and phones. With a younger target audience in mind, tablets and phones would perhaps be the main devices used to access the advert.
The genre of this revenge trailer is drama.
The target audience for this revenge trailer will be people from the age of 14 to 50 as this will appeal for those people who love drama series.
You can watch this TV series on your TV and on demand. But this trailer will on be seen on TV .
The genre of this TV series is sports entertainment
the audience will be from 3 years and over as WWE is a PG programme so its suitable for younger kids to watch.
You can watch it on sky sports or you can search the recent episode on your laptop and watch it